The National Committee of West Papua (KNPB) while held a protest in Yahukimo, last year – Jubi
They were seized when trying to deliver a letter of permit for a peaceful demonstration that would take place on last Thursday, May 28, 2015.
He added he and five other colleagues came to Jayawijaya police station to give a notification letter at 10.00 am. When they reached the entrance gate, they were picked up directly by Jayawijaya police chief, Assistant Commissioner of Police Semmy Ronny TH Abaa.
“Yesterday (26.05.2015), after we were received, the police chief took us to the meeting room. And in meeting the police chief told us that KNPB is not listed in Kesbangpol. So it can not do any activity. So for the time being I detained you and would check as a witness, “Kosay said in citing Jayawijaya chief this week.
After that, the police chief ordered his members to interrogate us as a witness. At 10:25 am we were checked in four different rooms.
“During the inspection there was no physical intimidation. However, during the examination, he informed that they were interrogated for 7 hours more, or from 10.25 am to 18:42 pm. “he explained.
He firther said that, in any condition, KNPB in Papua and West Papua will mediate Papuan Peoples for a peaceful demonstration across provincial and local Parliament.
KNPB spokesman, Bazoka Logo, as contacted by Jubi in Jayapura confirmed about the information of six KNPB activists detained and questioned .
“That’s correct information. You may directly contact the chairman I of KNPB Agus Kossay. Because he is currently in Wamena, “he told Jubi.
The six – activist detained are Kossay, Ogram Wanimbo, Commissariat Diplomacy of KNPB, Lanny Wanimbo activists of KNPB , Marti Hiluka activists KNPB, Kristian Pahabol KNPB and Frans Huby. (Arnold Belau/ Tina)
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