Hawaian suports for West Papua – We Bleed Black and Red
Jayapura, Jubi – A former Indonesian diplomat, Frederik Kamu, said that the world is spotlighting Indonesia’s human rights record in Papua.
Kambu, who was assigned at the Indonesian embassy in Brazil and Netherlands, said the military’s abuses in Papua often made headlines in the foreign media, especially in countries that have close relations with Papua.
“A lot of international media wrote negative stories about Papua. So they are so negative in their judgment, but we can’t deny it because this issue had been written everyday, ” he said.
“Armed clashes don’t happen in other Indonesian regions, but it is happening everyday in Papua,” Kambu said during the breaking time of meeting between the Jayapura Mayor Tommy Mano, related stakeholders and Indonesian Foreign Ministry at Jayapura Mayor Office on Tuesday afternoon (17/3/2015).
“Armed clashes don’t happen in other Indonesian regions, but it is happening everyday in Papua,” Kambu said during the breaking time of meeting between the Jayapura Mayor Tommy Mano, related stakeholders and Indonesian Foreign Ministry at Jayapura Mayor Office on Tuesday afternoon (17/3/2015).
He admitted as many as 1,500 NGO’s abroad concerned about the humanity crime against Papuan people.
“So they gave their support, not only towards Papua but also to other movements in the world. For example in Europe, there are Germany and Netherlands. Even the England showed its support by offering a house to Papua Independence Leader in London. But until now they are still waiting and looking for who the leader is. So they could provide their suggestion, input and support to the leader,” he said.
He cited the case of Theys Eluay. According to him, European countries are very familiar with the late Theys Eluay. He added the international media’s publications in the countries he had been visited usually thought Papua got lack of attention from Indonesia therefore it remains isolated. He further said the Jayapura Mayor’s presentation about Papua Development would be translated in many languages and would be distributed to other countries for they recognize the Indonesian Government never ignored Papua.
“Please take a look at the list at our office. Many had negative thinking. Therefore we are trying to answer the negative highlight. If we didn’t do it, people might be thought Papua is always left behind though many things have been achieved,” he said.(Sindung Sukoco/rom)
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