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Juru Bicara Nasional KNPB, Bazoka Logo (Jubi/Arnold Belau) |
Jayapura , 21/3 ( Jubi ) - West Papua National Committee ( KNPB ) calls
upon all the people of West Papua from Sorong to Samarai to boycott the
legislative elections and the presidential election will be held
respectively on April 9 and July 9.
Spokesman of the National Committee of West Papua , Indonesia bazookas
Logo says democracy only hypnotize people of West Papua through any
election or elections .
" Democracy Indonesian neocolonialism style just hypnotize the people of
West Papua for over fifty years in every election . But that effort
never managed to secure the freedom of the people of West Papua to
self-determination , " said bazookas told reporters on Friday afternoon (
21/3 ) at the Expo , Waena .
According bazookas , democratic party in Papua Indonesia aims are clear :
first , gave birth to the agents of colonialism . Second , strengthen
the system of colonialism in Indonesia. And the third is the hegemony of
neo- colonialism in Indonesia.
Bazooka also said that the democratic system has created a colonial
order of life of the people of Papua became scattered , also has created
a discriminatory order of life .
" Therefore , KNPB called for a boycott of all the people of West Papua
legislative and presidential elections before completion of the
political status of West Papua has not been resolved , " he said .
According to him , the political status of the settlement must be
through an international mechanism that referendum . Do people still
want to be with Papua Indonesia or want to govern themselves .
While it was some time ago , chairman of the West Papua National
Parliament , Buchtar Tabuni also called on all the people of West Papua
are not to participate in the democratic party or the party of the
people who made the biggest five years in Indonesia. ( Jubi / Arnold
Belau )
By : www.tabloidjubi.com
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