

Sabtu, 26 April 2014

Appeal May 1 , UN Negligent decolonize West Papua

United Nations ( UN ) fails to carry out the process of decolonization in West New Guinea ( West Papua ) . Instead , the UN managed to throw the shackles of colonial West Papua into Indonesia since May 1, 1963 . 's Been 51 years and let the United Nations ignore West Papua colonized and suffering . May 1, 2014 , the people of West Papua to commemorate and demanded the United Nations Trusteeship Council ( Council trusteeship ) to fulfill the right of self-determination ( the right of self - determination ) for the people of Papua , on the territory of West Papua .Moments Annexation

That the people of West Papua independence already memanifestokan December 1, 1961 , but Indonesia, the U.S. and the UN have been destroyed by lust and exploitation territorial expansion through the annexation of West Papua May 1, 1963 . 's Evidence UN denial of the right of self-determination which is being raised by the Parliament of West Papua ( Niuew Guinea Raad ) at that time .

Every 1st of May , Indonesian authorities and the U.S. celebrating colonize and exploit West Papua , but the people of West Papuans commemorate as the beginning of human suffering and destruction of natural and Papua .

UN , Indonesia , the Netherlands and the United States should - by spirit -inducing initiatives decolonization Papuan independence initiated by representatives of the nation of Papua ( West Papua Parliament ) December 1, 1961 , but they actually gave birth to neo colonialism of Indonesia through the transition of power from the Dutch colonial administration to colonial new , namely Indonesia on May 1, 1963 .

People of the world, including the Indonesian people , must fight and destroy the occupation over the world , and encourage independence for the colonies - including West Papua - appropriate UN Resolution 1514 ( XV ) and resolution 1541 ( XV ) , the people of the world in order to create a peaceful brotherhood .

West Papua National Committee [ KNPB ] world community solidarity calling for the independence of West Papua . We also hope that the members of the State and Party Parliamentary around the world joined in the International Parliamentarians for West Papua ( IPWP ) through , which is currently 80 members have joined and signed a declaration of the right of self-determination for West Papua .

KNPB called on the people of West Papua to dismiss themselves and commemorate May 1, 1963 with the action open , worship , and or free speech with the goal of reflecting and rejecting 51 years of oppression brought neo- colonialism in Indonesia.
" We Must End "
Abepura prison , 25 April 2014
Victor Yeimo
Chairman KNPB