

Kamis, 13 Maret 2014


Assistant Rector III of University of Cenderawasih, Freddy Sokoy (Jubi)
Jayapura, 11/3 (Jubi) – The Cenderawasih University understood the objections of student protesters to a new Special Autonomy bill voiced during a rally on Tuesday (11/3).

“I agree that there are certain sections of Special Autonomy Plus that probably need to be discussed further. All sections of society including the intellectuals must get involved in reviewing this bill,” Assistant Rector III Freddy Sokoy told reporters in Waena, Jayapura.

However, he said students should express their opinion peacefully in accordance with the law and the police should also act proportionally.

“I hoped the students are able to express their opinion like that. If there is a deadlock, for example the security forces have a different type of arrangements, they should be communicated to each other,” he said.

He hoped when meeting with the Governor, the students grouped under the Movement of Students, Youths and People (GempaR) would able to show that Papuans are civilized people with their own cultural and traditional wisdom.

“We are not talking about independence, but human rights violations that are happening in Papua. This issue is not only for Papuans, but is also an international issue,” he said.

“We have to express it respectfully to gain other people’s attention that we are living in suffering and then it would be one voice. Students only can help people because not everyone is able to speak,” he said.

Coordinator of GempaR, Yason Ngelia said in his speech that there was a sad story behind the Special Autonomy of Papua because of the injustice perpetrated by the government during the Old and New Order eras till the post-reform 1998 era.

During those times, the security forces committed many human rights violations and discrimination against Papuans, who have been so marginalized in many development sectors that they resort to demanding for their political status.

“There were expectations that the Special Autonomy Law in Papua w would be able to solve the problems. But in reality, it couldn’t answer the problems of Papuan people,” he said. (Jubi/Aprila/rom)