

Sabtu, 22 Maret 2014


Juru Bicara Nasional KNPB, Bazoka Logo (Jubi/Arnold Belau)
Jayapura , 21/3 ( Jubi ) - West Papua National Committee ( KNPB ) calls upon all the people of West Papua from Sorong to Samarai to boycott the legislative elections and the presidential election will be held respectively on April 9 and July 9.

Spokesman of the National Committee of West Papua , Indonesia bazookas Logo says democracy only hypnotize people of West Papua through any election or elections .

" Democracy Indonesian neocolonialism style just hypnotize the people of West Papua for over fifty years in every election . But that effort never managed to secure the freedom of the people of West Papua to self-determination , " said bazookas told reporters on Friday afternoon ( 21/3 ) at the Expo , Waena .

According bazookas , democratic party in Papua Indonesia aims are clear : first , gave birth to the agents of colonialism . Second , strengthen the system of colonialism in Indonesia. And the third is the hegemony of neo- colonialism in Indonesia.

Bazooka also said that the democratic system has created a colonial order of life of the people of Papua became scattered , also has created a discriminatory order of life .

" Therefore , KNPB called for a boycott of all the people of West Papua legislative and presidential elections before completion of the political status of West Papua has not been resolved , " he said .

According to him , the political status of the settlement must be through an international mechanism that referendum . Do people still want to be with Papua Indonesia or want to govern themselves .

While it was some time ago , chairman of the West Papua National Parliament , Buchtar Tabuni also called on all the people of West Papua are not to participate in the democratic party or the party of the people who made ​​the biggest five years in Indonesia. ( Jubi / Arnold Belau )